Ruby on Rails: removing a dependency when installing a gem?

I am trying to install gem install twitter-bootstrap-rails on my windows machine. This gem has a dependency on therubyracer, which is not yet compatible with Windows. I found this:

therubyracer gem in the windows

Which tells me that I just have to rely on JScript. Although I do not know how to talk about installing gem to ignore the dependencies. I tried to force install with:

gem install -f twitter-bootstrap-rails --platform ruby 

To no avail. Anyone how I can say something like "gem install twitter-bootstrap-rails [but ignore this dependency on therubyracer]"?

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2 answers

There are options for this document .

 -f, --[no-]force Force gem to install, bypassing dependency checks 


 --ignore-dependencies Do not install any required dependent gems 

If your goal is to make twitter boostrap rails work on Windows, there is a version of this that uses static CSS, avoiding the fixed dependency on therubyracer. This will be installed on Windows. You will not have a Less function, but it works on Windows. Try this in your gemfile:

 gem 'twitter-bootstrap-rails', :git => "git://", :branch => "static" 


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