I have a java maven project, I installed the scala plugin for eclipse and added the scala resource to my project. Now I have written some custom scala actors and some other utility classes. I use these scala classes in my java code. when writing code, it does not cause any errors. But when I do maven clean / build, it throws a compilation error as below
11/8/11 10:45:23 AM : [ERROR] ............\Simple.java:[86,10] cannot find symbol symbol : variable ExecutorObject location: class com.ms.scala.Simple 11/8/11 10:45:23 AM : [INFO] 2 errors 11/8/11 10:45:23 AM : [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------- 11/8/11 10:45:23 AM : Build errors for Project; org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) on project : Compilation failure
Eclipse IDE: helios -3.5, scala - 2.9.2, which comes with the plugin
I assume there is a custom compiler configuration for this? I also have another question about newbies
how do you start a scala actor right in java and send him a message? all i see is the act () method. i want to do it
actor { CustomActor ! Message }
in java
thanks sanre6
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