There are several people in our group, any number of whom can work on any combination of precious stones. Currently, our gemfile has these things:
gem 'awesome-gem', :git => ' :somebody/awesome-gem.git'
So, developer-A worked on awesome-gem locally, and when they finished, they just replaced their path: the path to gem: git and fixed both versions of version control. developers B and C do the same for rad-gem, each of them has a different path in their locally modified Gemfile, and if the Gemfile each has real changes, they need to cancel their local path setting, commit, cancel to indicate back to their local version of rad-gem etc.
This is both pain and ugliness, so I tried to find a better solution, but the best I could come up with was something like this:
if ENV['RADGEM_PATH'] gem 'rad-gem', :path => ENV['RADGEM_PATH'] else gem 'rad-gem', :git => ' :somebody/rad-gem.git', :branch => 'release' end
This allows developers-B and C to set their own rad-gem path, removing most of the pain mentioned above. however, this is still ugly, and I wonder if there is a better way to do this, perhaps using groups?
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