Xcode 4.3 Command Line Tool with Invalid Checksum

The Apple package for installing command-line tools with Xcode 4.3 is corrupted, and it seems to me that I need it because I'm developing some command-line tools.

Has anyone found an alternative command line package for Apple's Xcode 4.3 that works or a workaround for an object?

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7 answers

So, I found a way to do it right. The problem is really in one of Apple's European mirrors.

Workaround: - Install Tor: https://www.torproject.org/
- Choose Tor node in the USA
- Log in to your Apple Developer account and download the package

Now it opens correctly without a checksum warning.


Xcode includes a new β€œDownload” preference panel for installing additional components, such as command line tools and previous iOS simulators.

enter image description here


I solved my own problem of downloading / installing Xcode 4.3.1 "Command Line Tools", getting them directly from the developer's web page. The March version gave a checksum error just like downloading from Xcode 4.3.1, i.e. Xcode / Preferences / Downloads. But I had success with the February version of CLT. I do not know why things were not in sync.


I had the same problem when trying to install command-line tools on the Downloads tab in Xcode settings (also loading from Europe). I fixed it by clearing the DNS cache on my system.

This is the terminal command to clear the dns cache (OSX Lion):

  dscacheutil -flushcache 

Restart Xcode after running this command, this may not solve the checksum problem until you execute.


try: defaults write com.apple.frameworks.diskimages skip-verify -bool true


Just add another mirror for the download site:

To determine a valid ip: use the following: http://www.webmaster-toolkit.com/dns-query.shtml?address=adcdownload.apple.com

and add this to / etc / hosts:


Example (ip can already be changed) adcdownload.apple.com.


You can simply click skip while the disk image is being checked. I installed CLT-4.3 from dmg with this problem and created a lot of software, if successful on my te


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/908822/

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