JSON based build tool?

I'm looking for a build tool (e.g. ant, maven, make, etc.) that uses JSON based configuration files?

Is there such a tool?

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3 answers

I think you're really looking for a build tool that doesn't force you to customize everything in XML?

In this case, Gradle is best. It does not have the same approach as ANT or Maven , but has the advantage of learning the lessons of both.

I would advise you to beware of deviations from the standard tool assembly ... This makes life tougher for others trying to create your code. This Gradle solution is allowed by providing assembly assembly .


Nokia / Qt has just announced its JSON-based QBS build system, and is actually a build mechanism designed to easily accept the IDE (the main reason for accepting JSON).

Introducing qbs

Instead of the pre-make generator Makefiles / vcprojs / etc. (e.g. CMake and QMake, etc.), qbs is actually a build mechanism.


Google included Gaudi , although it is still in its early stages.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/908736/

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