Extremely slow site in IIS

I am trying to run the site locally and it is very slow. The site uses DotNetNuke and IIS7. When I create a new empty site - it works quickly. This particular one is slow.

What I tried:

None of them helped

In addition, my site is even 5 times slower to respond when I need to recompile my solution.

if useful, this is my main trace:

Trace Information Category Message From First(s) From Last(s) aspx.page Begin PreInit aspx.page End PreInit 3.87710342363437E-05 0.000039 aspx.page Begin Init 6.42382822151184E-05 0.000025 aspx.page End Init 3.07985958803876 3.079795 aspx.page Begin InitComplete 3.07989531820756 0.000036 aspx.page End InitComplete 3.07990824188564 0.000013 aspx.page Begin PreLoad 3.07991584404922 0.000008 aspx.page End PreLoad 3.07993180859273 0.000016 aspx.page Begin Load 3.0799394107563 0.000008 aspx.page End Load 116.812769734266 113.732830 aspx.page Begin LoadComplete 116.81281078595 0.000041 aspx.page End LoadComplete 116.812820288654 0.000010 aspx.page Begin PreRender 116.812828270926 0.000008 aspx.page End PreRender 205.25318815735 88.440360 aspx.page Begin PreRenderComplete 205.253225407951 0.000037 aspx.page End PreRenderComplete 213.774178871307 8.520953 aspx.page Begin SaveState 215.060896371107 1.286717 aspx.page End SaveState 215.279060220539 0.218164 aspx.page Begin SaveStateComplete 215.279100892114 0.000041 aspx.page End SaveStateComplete 215.279114576008 0.000014 aspx.page Begin Render 215.279130160444 0.000016 aspx.page End Render 217.466907021738 2.187777 
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2 answers

Since it works fast in the production process, but slower on your computer, it can be a connection to an external resource, that is, to a database or to others.

Turn on tracing in your application, and then see where processing takes too much time. You can reduce this by adding trace messages in your application in places that you think might cause the problem.

You can also see if this is happening on another workstation with a clean OS to determine if it could be something on your local machine, causing problems.


You can grab the ANTI Performance Profiler from Red Gate and see if it points you in the right direction. There is a 14-day free trial, I used this tool in the past to find bottlenecks and other problems, and it's worth every penny.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/908734/

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