If necessary, check user messages

I use as the authentication mechanism in my application. Is there a way to use custom messages when validation fails. Devise gives me the following message when the password is empty: Password can't be blank , but I need another message. How can i do this?

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4 answers

ActiveRecord en.yml is the answer I would suggest if you want to change Message Validation for development

This is what en.yml looks like

 en: activerecord: errors: models: user: attributes: email: blank: "Please Specify an Email id" taken: "Please use a different Email id" invalid: "Please Specify a valid Email id" password: blank: "Please Specify a Password" confirmation: "Password does not match" password_confirmation: blank: "Please Specify a Password Confirmation" first_name: blank: "Please Specify First Name" last_name: blank: "Please Specify Last Name" pdf: attributes: name: blank: "Please Specify name to PDF" taken: "Please use different name for PDF" attachment: blank: "Please Upload a PDF Attachment" data_element: attributes: name: blank: "Please give Element a desired name" taken: "Already Created Element with given name" color: blank: "Please assign a color to Element" template: attributes: name: blank: "Please Specify a Name" taken: "Please use a different name" 

I advise you to define this method, and not configure the version checking module

Because if you followed the above approach, perhaps you would have skipped checking a place or two

for example, I remove the above validation module, and then replace your own User Model

then the whole check would work, but you would skip the check in Change Password

As a result, you can log in even if the password has never been provided and has never been provided.

Follow this cycle as well.




Please refer to the URL below.


If the user logs in, you can edit all error messages in devise.en.yml under config/locales .

If you sign up, Devise provides its own checks without any configuration. If you want to customize it, you can edit the User model.

Locate devise :validatable and remove the :validatable parameter. After that, you will be able to use conventional rail checks. Please note that this will lead to the need to perform all checks yourself.

validates_presence_of :password, :message=>"Your custom error message!"

Some common checks:

  validates_confirmation_of :password validates_presence_of :password, :on => :create validates_presence_of :email validates_uniqueness_of :email 

This is not a complete answer, but it seems that it should be resolved using I18n with either internal development keys, or by overriding active record validation error messages for your user model.

Here's a similar question: Come up with attributes for the i18n?


You can customize your error messages from config / locales / devise.en.yml, but if you want to change the verification message, delete: validatable from Model. You can then change the verification message as before. For instance:

 validates_uniqueness_of :email, :case_sensitive => false, :allow_blank => true, :if => :email_changed? validates_format_of :email, :with => Devise.email_regexp, :allow_blank => true, :if => :email_changed? validates_presence_of :password, :on=>:create validates_confirmation_of :password, :on=>:create validates_length_of :password, :within => Devise.password_length, :allow_blank => true 

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/908690/

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