How do I fix broken symbolic links? / Delete dead files?
Context: Since I messed up the php.ini configuration on one of my local test servers, I decided to reinstall the basic web server materials. (apache2, php5, ..)
Problem: After installation, there is no / etc / apache 2 / php5 / php.ini at all, / etc / apache2 / php5 / conf.d is a "broken symbolic link", I think.
Error: During installation: Not replacing deleted config file /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
So what are these "broken symbolic links"? I can find them using "ls / dir", they are colored red :) Have I tried "rm / etc / php5 -R -f"? But this does not work ... And how do I get rid of php.ini 'zombie-file'? All I want is a new php5 installation.
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