Msdeploy skip for exact folder names


Here's the deal: I'm trying to use msdeploy to upload files. I have a folder in my root Search directory that I want to skip.

So, I wrote a skip directive like this:


The good news: she skips the Search folder as I want it.

The bad news: it also skips any folder with a โ€œSearchโ€ in the name (example: โ€œResearchโ€), which I don't want to do. (In addition, the missing Research folder is not disconnected from the web root, which is a concern for controlling which places in the folder are missing.)

I tried a couple of options, including:

 -skip:objectName=dirPath,absolutePath="\Search" -skip:Directory="Search" -skip:Directory="\Search" 

No dice. He is still missing out on everything called Research.

I tried to find the msdeploy syntax and could not find anything that would help me.

Any thoughts from the peanut gallery?


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Got it. In the interest of anyone who can find the answer to this question.,.

I did not understand that I was dealing with regular expressions. I rewrote "Search" as "\\ Search $"



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