Signalr stops making callbacks after a few minutes

I am using signalr 0.4 on an aspx-Page,

var hub = $.connection.FooHub; hub.disconnected(function () { log("Server has disconnected"); }); hub.ShowInfo = function (Info) { .... } $("#Button1").click(function () { hub.FooFunction('foo'); }); $.connection.hub.start(); 

A hub is defined as:

 public class FooHub : Hub, IDisconnect { ~FooHub() { log.Debug("FooHub Destroy"); } public FooHub() { log.Debug("FooHub Startup"); } public bool FooFunction(string stuff) { log.Debug("Hub FooFunction"); Clients.ShowInfo(someInfo); return true; } public Task Disconnect() { // Query the database to find the user by it client id etc. etc. MyController.Disconnect(Context.ConnectionId); log.Debug("Hub Disconnnect " + Context.ConnectionId); return null; } ...... } 

When I open the page and immediately click Button1
it calls the hub, which in turn calls the ShowInfo function on the page.
With Firebug, I see that signalr uses lengthy polling for switching. So, everything works as expected.

But when I wait a couple of minutes
I see that

  • FooHub destroyed
  • The shutdown is called in the hub,

however, there is no new connection on the page
Firebug shows an old one that is still running
and when I then click -

  • FooFunction is called (I see a new connection in firebug)
  • Created by FooHub
  • FooFunction is executed in the hub (there is a line in the log)
  • but showinfo fails

Is this a bug in SignalR or do I need to do something else to get a ShowInfo call?

Update (possible answer):

He used Forever-Frame and not a lengthy survey.

In addition, the problem seems to occur most often when using the mobile Internet (usb-stick) and Firefox.

Changing the migration to long-polling seems to fix this problem.

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2 answers

You are talking about switching to a lengthy survey instead of using an eternal frame, but you did not say how to do it. You can specify which transports to try when starting a connection.

 connection.start({ transport: ['longPolling','webSockets'] }); 

See for more details.


Have you looked at this Try looking at this. For me, as your code, everything seems to be OK. You can also check this in Chrome and see what happens.



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