Changing the color of a vim cursor column to something else than against a vim background?

How to make vim column (: set cursor column) to have a different color? Here is what I see now:

enter image description here

Please note that the color of the columns is the same color as vim to mark my identification, etc. (which I consider the background color). I would like to choose a different color.

Greetings :)

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2 answers

Use this:

:highlight CursorColumn guibg=#404040 

See :help hl-CursorColumn (to which redirected :help 'cursorcolumn' )


If the cursor column is not working properly, this may be because the color of the cursor column is too close to your background color. To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  • If you use certain backgrounds (like a dark background), change the color of the column using something like :highlight CursorColumn guibg=#ff0000 for vim vi version. If you are not using the vim gui version, try this one :highlight CursorColumn ctermbg=Grey

  • Make sure you are using version 6.3 or later of vim. This feature is not available until this time. If you work with an OS such as CentOS or Red Hat that does not have the current version of vim, you can compile it. See this link for a good tutorial on how to do this.

  • Make sure your vim is compiled with + syntax



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