How to use an ax instead of a rake in a railtie

I would like to provide exact tasks instead of rake tasks in Railtie. There is a direct and well-documented way to provide rake scripts in Railties:

class MyRailtie < Rails::Railtie rake_tasks do load "path/to/my_railtie.tasks" end end 

How can I do the same for exact tasks?

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1 answer

Thor is just a ruby. All you have to do is make sure the dependency is in your gemspec and then just the file from the main gem file is required.


Your gemspec gem should contain the following line:

 gem.add_dependency :thor 

Then in. /lib/kermit.rb include the following:

 require 'cli' 

Then create a file with the name. /lib/cli.rb and put the torus code there. For instance:

 require 'thor' class App < Thor # Your Code end 


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