"There is a problem with the reindexing process." after importing the product

Using Magento 1.6

I had to make some massive changes to my catlog, as well as completely export the product, made the changes, and then imported the fixed file.

Subsequently, several indexes appeared that needed updating, and all of them, with the exception of the Product Attributes index, were correct.

When I try to rewrite this code, I get the error message "There was a problem with the reindexing process."

There are no new errors in var / report, and I don't know what the problem is.

- crazy SO will not allow me to use the word β€œproblem” in the name, even if this is the content of the error message.

csv β†’ http://bit.ly/z1w5Cp

edit - As suggested by OSdave, I received the following error:

SQLSTATE [23000]: Violation of integrity constraint: 1062 Duplicate record '84 -142-1-58 'for key' PRIMARY '

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6 answers

OK, I fixed it myself

In the SQL error, the first number (in my case 84) indicates the product identifier, something was not imported correctly with this identifier, I entered the product, saved it manually, and possibly reinstalled it.

Hope someone helped :-)


After long hours of work, I finally found a solution. This is actually a very simple solution:

  • Database backup
  • Open phpMyAdmin and trim (empty) the catalog_product_flat_1 table

What is it. After that, I was able to index all the data, and so far everything else has been working fine. It worked for me. I hope this works for you too.

PS: using Magento


Delete the lock files in var / locks and try again.

I would advise you to reindex SSH if you have a large dataset

php shell / indexer.php -reindexall

Source: https://magento.stackexchange.com/questions/24729/there-was-a-problem-with-reindexing-process


I also had this problem, and I got the following in my exception log:

Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '706-168-2-60' for key 'PRIMARY'' 

In the end, I discovered (as stated above) that this is a problem with the product identifier 706 (the first digits before the β€œ-” are the product identifier.

Just opening this product in the Magento administrator and saving it fixed with this product, however, in my case, I also had a problem with the product 707, 708, 709, etc. etc.

What I then discovered is the second set of digits identifying the attribute identifier. I found out what attribute it was by opening any attribute and replacing its identifier in the URL with the one that was in the exception log.

Then I looked for a series of products (in my case from 700 to 800), selected all of them and used "Actions" "Update attributes" in the upper right corner of the "Catalog - Product Management" page.

I changed this attribute for all of them (it was good for me) and the index worked.

If you cannot set this attribute the same way for all of your products, I would suggest mass import to reset for just that.


I had the same problem last night. After following the steps described by OSdave to get a more accurate error message, I saw that my error was the same as yours.

But not only with one product were several hundred products causing errors (each of them saved a new one). And this is not all with the same attribute (I updated several attributes in the database of more than 4000 products in my last import).

Since everything seemed to really be in the database correctly (since re-saving seemed to be fixing and providing the right data to the final saved product), I had an idea.

Why not export all 4k products, and then re-import the same file unchanged and see if it clears it.

It worked!

tl; dr: If you have a problem with several products that need to be saved again, export the entire inventory (or the corresponding section if you can segment in a useful way) and re-import the same file without changes.

I am using Magento v


Thanks OSdave,

The same for me, I changed it

in Mage_Index_Adminhtml_ProcessController edit line 138 from Mage :: helper ('index') β†’ __ ('Unable to initialize indexer process.') to $ e-> getMessage ():

then tried to reindex, it shows an error below

SQLSTATE [23000]: violation of integrity constraint: 1062 Duplicate record "8308-2018-1-2788" for the key "PRIMARY", the query was: INSERT INTO catalog_product_index_eav_idx ( entity_id , attribute_id , store_id , value

then I delete the product with the identifier "8308" and recreate it, and after trying to re-index it it works fine.

But not the main cause of the problem. Hope this helps someone!


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/908574/

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