Presentation of an iOS application with encryption / Fairplay, how to do or automatically

Looking back a bit, you just need a brief overview of how the application is encrypted or not.

By default, when creating an application, it is not encrypted when downloaded to test devices, etc.

So, when we send the application and create it for distribution, when it is encrypted, so when it is deployed to a user phone, it is not easy to reset it back ....

Or is this an additional step that should happen at the time of assembly / shipping?

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1 answer

This is an old question, but since others will ask the same question in the end - you do not need to do anything, because when you create the .ipa file, it is already encrypted using FairPlay, as indicated in info.plist. To confirm this, use the otool utility, as shown on the command line:

otool -arch armv7 -l YourAppName | grep crypt 


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