What is the latest DeBayer / Demosaicing technology

In order to improve the quality of the image that I get from the camera, I started digging up alternative demonstration technology. I found out that there are different algorithms, but most of them date back to 2000. Since more than ten years have passed, I was wondering what latest technologies exist?

The algorithm or source code will be highly appreciated.

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2 answers

This is not the latest work, but the results are a good improvement over the classical algorithms: http://www.ipol.im/pub/algo/bcms_self_similarity_driven_demosaicking/

And you can explore the site for additional algorithms and examples, with an online demo and source code (open source). This should help you get started.


Not the last, published in 2007, seems to give the best demosaicing result with DFPD (Directional Filtering and Post- Hoc Solution). It not only removes artifacts in high-frequency areas, but also creates sharper and more natural colors than previous ones.

This post compares the DFPD approach with hq bilinear interpolation, and the result is quite obvious: DFPD restores an image with better colors and no artifacts.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/908507/

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