I am currently working on a cross-platform application (Win / OSX / iOS) that has C ++ (with Boost). On iOS and OSX, I use the Cocoa Net Service Browser Delegate delegate function to discover the embedded device via mDNS, and then pass information to the background to create the objects that it needs to communicate with.
I wanted to use a similar approach with my Windows MFC front-end, and found this article that seemed to do exactly what I want. However, it seems that using the Bonjour SDK has some really unpleasant side effects - forcing you to statically link to MFC, and in my case, the only way to get it to link correctly is to not use debugging DLLs at all, which is not ideal.
So, the Bonjour SDK is not really suitable for me, because it imposes too many restrictions on my project. With Cocoa, I actually use very little functionality - I really did FindService and netServiceDidResolveAddress. All I want to do is find devices of a certain type and get their IP addresses.
Can anyone suggest another way that will work with the MFC interface in Windows?
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