In our current project, we use HTML 5 localStorage with a return to the global store for Firefox and user data behavior for IE6 / IE7. The return is through a JS script called jStorage .
This worked fine until we started testing in IE6 / IE7, although it "works", it turns out that there is a restriction in the behavior of user data that blocks it, so the repository can be installed and read only at the same URL or as MSDN puts it "For security reasons, the UserData repository is only available in the same directory and with the same protocol as the repository ."
Therefore, if I set the value on one page and then move on to another, although I am on the same site, this will not work. Which for us largely makes it unsuitable for use as a failure for local storage, which is limited for each domain.
Has anyone encountered this problem before and found a decent solution?
Any ideas or thoughts will be appreciated.
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