SQLite Alternate Write (Delphi)

(Using Delphi 2010 + latest SQLite in WAL mode)

I am using DISQLite (SQLite Delphi Port) with my multi-threaded client application (not yet released, so I can change the DB mechanism if I really need to)

My profiler explicitly says that this is a stupid solution, I traced this to 2-3 very simple SQL statements that fly when executed in a single-threaded application, but since there are lock / wait threads (SQLite really doesn't work well with multiple threads trying to write at the same time)

I did my best to optimize my code / avoid bottlenecks, but after several weeks of hard work, I now wonder if it is easier to reset SQLite and choose a different DB mechanism (?)

My requirements:

  • ACID
  • Very good support for simultaneous read / write (write level).
  • (Very) Fast and stable database engine
  • B-tree
  • Support for Delphi 2010

I use only the basic INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE commands with indexes, nothing unusual. Thus, my SQL requirements are relatively basic (I don’t need joins or other “more advanced” SQL files).

I am also open to NQL solutions if it supports the above requirements.

My research leads to DB Berkley, which, if I understand correctly, a modified version of SQLite with support for parallel writing, but the problem is not that it really is not for delphi.

I also read about the Kyoto Cabinet, but then again, no delphi support :(

Any suggestion would be more than welcome,


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FWIW, I finally decided to stick with DISQLite along with this ugly, hacky solution:

  • Some (minor) changes have been made to minimize the record in the database inside the threads (two database inserts required in each thread)

  • When I absolutely had to write something to DB while working inside threads, I took the SQL query parameters and wrote them in a special folder (writing to files is very fast), i.e.

C: \ My-project \ pending-SQL \ insert_SOME-GUID.txt

Each file will look like this:

Param1 | Param2 | Param3 | Param4 |

  • As soon as I ended up with threads (or if my application crashed), I called a routine that checked this folder, retrieved the SQL parameters and ran them using prepared statements (wrapped inside a transaction).

  • Any file containing less than, say, 4 parameters will be considered damaged and will be skipped.

This is one of the features of a hacky ugly algorithm (shame on me!), But it works, it is fast, it is (kind of) an ACID, and I don’t need to spend months studying another DB mechanism that may (or may not) work.

I just wanted to thank everyone for their help, temporary pressure does not allow me to switch to another database engine, at least for this project.


What is the speed of your application if:

  • For all your threads, only one database connection is used;
  • You protect access to the database with the global critical section.

Then you can try our static Sqlite3 binding , which was compiled without a thread mutation:

#define SQLITE_THREADSAFE 2 // assuming multi-thread safety is made by caller - in our framework, there is // only one thread using the database connection at the same time, but there could // be multiple database connection at the same time (previous was 0 could be unsafe) #define SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE 1 // no need of shared cache in a threadsafe calling model 

We use this model in our mormot ORM structure and are associated with four cache levels:

  • Application cache for reusing SQL statements and bound parameters on the fly;
  • A global database-level JSON cache of cache dumps globally on any INSERT / UPDATE;
  • CRUD / RESTful level configured entry cache for specific tables or server-side entries;
  • CRUD / RESTful level configured entry cache for specific client-side tables or records.

The resulting performance is not bad - it scales well in multi-threaded access, even with a global critical section. Of course, SQlite3 was not designed to scale, nor was it for Oracle! But I used SQlite for real applications with a large number of clients. You might consider using FireBird with a more complex (and customized) client server architecture.

About creating emails faster, you can group your entries into a transaction, then it will be much faster. This is what I use to speed up writing , and you can extend this concept with several clients: on the server side, you will regroup your records into a general transaction, which should be committed after a waiting period (for example, one second).

SQLite3 is very fast for such an addition (even more so with a prepared INSERT statement with bound parameters), but slow for individual additions, since it should block the entire file using a low-level API, which is cursed slowly. To make this an ACID, make sure the commit is always handled. In fact, other database engines achieve good parallel speed with a similar process hidden in the background. The default write method of SQLite3 is supposed to be one that allows access to a single file from several processes, but in Client-Server you can simply rely on being the only one who can access the SQLite3 Database File, so he will be safe.


Would there be something like an embedded version of Firebird DB of any help?

FirbirdSQL.org Download Page

I have used this with success in the past.


Just split your tables (which can be written at the same time) into separate SQLite and attach database files all together using your main connection.


This is my point:

An absolute database is a good alternative.


NexusDB can do all this, and the Embedded version is free . He supports Delphi as a first-class citizen.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/908356/

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