I am trying to make a web application for scientific and engineering calculations. I am new to website development and I was looking for a free framework (with free hosting), so I came to the Google App Engine, but there is no way to get scipy work, so I decided to switch to Java instead of python (although I found PythonAnywhere , and it has numpy, scipy, etc., it does not have support for a GUI build such as PyQt, wx, Tkinter ...).
I would like to know if there is a way to use COLT or so for Java in the Google App Engine, or if there is another option. I would prefer free options since I'm in college, but cheap options with customization are fully welcome: D (even if it means using a different language)
PD: I hope this was understandable because English is not my language.
EDIT: I TRIED to use the apache commons math, and it seems like this won't work. A short answer to my question: NO .
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