I have a simple cms on ROR 3.2. with this folder scheme:
app | controllers | my controllers
but I wanted to have an admin section where I could have some controllers. so i created
rails creates an admin / Users controller
application | controllers | admin and my admin controllers
so my file is:
users_controller.rb class Admin::UsersController < ApplicationController def index render(:text => "sou o index!") end def list render(:text => "sou o list") end end
On my routes, I:
namespace :admin do resources :users end match ':controller(/:action(/:id))(.:format)'
Im new to rails and i cant find a solution. I can not find it anywhere.
PROBLEM I'm trying to do acess:
http: // localhost: 3000 / admin / users / list
and I get this error:
Unknown action The action 'show' was not found for Admin :: UsersController
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