Special characters in SQLite Query (on iPhone)

I am using SQLite for an iPhone application and I am using this query:

NSString *query = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"INSERT INTO Courses (name, credits, web, tName, tSurname, tMail, tOffice) VALUES (\'%@\', \'%@\', \'%@\', \'%@\', \'%@\', \'%@\', \'%@\');", self.name, self.credits, self.web, self.tName, self.tSurname, self.tMail, self.tOffice];

This is a simple INSERT, but I am from Spain and I have problems with tildes. If I do something like:

INSERT INTO Courses (name, credits, web, tName, tSurname, tMail, tOffice) VALUES ('test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test');", self.name, self.credits, self.web, self.tName, self.tSurname, self.tMail, self.tOffice];

Everything works perfectly.

The problem arises when I insert with two or more words with special characters, such as ¿, ¡, `, ', ... And I don’t know how to fix it: S If only the request contains a special character in which there is no problem .

For instance:

This query works (because only á exists):

INSERT INTO Courses (name, credits, web, tName, tSurname, tMail, tOffice) VALUES ('Matemáticas', '1', '', 'Name', 'Surname', ' a@a.com ', '');", self.name, self.credits, self.web, self.tName, self.tSurname, self.tMail, self.tOffice];

This query returns me the error "Error: next to" ": syntax error" (because there are "-" and "à"):

INSERT INTO Courses (name, credits, web, tName, tSurname, tMail, tOffice) VALUES ('Gestió', '1', '', 'à', 'Surname', ' a@a.com ', '');", self.name, self.credits, self.web, self.tName, self.tSurname, self.tMail, self.tOffice];

I tried to put the words between "and between," and I get the same thing.

Any idea?

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1 answer

I did not work with SQLite on the iPhone, but did you look in the library to find a way to build a precompiled SQL statement? This would solve many problems that might arise, for example, incorrect interpretations of SQL queries and random / intentional SQL injections.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/908204/

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