Typography for developers

I am not a designer, I do not understand, I love the code and the code that was my life.

For a non-designer, typography is a huge 7-serpent snake, and I would like to know if I can do something to make my typography better on the Internet.

This is what I can do:

enter image description here

a witch is nothing but blueprint css and

h1 { font-size: 2em; } 

But I hate the alias in the Arial font, below its part of the image is higher when scaling by 300%

enter image description here

From the developer's side , what can I do to make my web pages look better?

I tried font-smooth: always; but no luck.

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4 answers

The implementation of fonts varies from browser to browser and OS to OS. You can adjust the distance between letters and sizes and all that, but can’t do anything in CSS or JS code to change the rendering of edges or how they are uneven.


Is it possible to change another font? http://www.google.com/webfonts


The font rendering depends on how the web browser is executed. Either the browser handles the rendering with its own implementation, or the browser uses the built-in text rendering of the operating system.

You will notice that the text is displayed differently on Mac OS X, Ubuntu (Linux), and also on Windows.

Here is a collection of links about rendering fonts on different OSs if you want to know more about it:


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/899722/

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