Getting relative path from full path

I need to get a path that excludes the relative path from the full path, they say

Relative path: C: \ User \ Documents \

fullpath, C: \ User \ Documents \ Test \ Folder2 \ test.pdf

I want to get only the path after the relative path ie \ Test \ Folder2 \ test.pdf

how can i achieve this.

I use C # as a programming language

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3 answers

You are not talking about the relative, so I will name it in a partial way. If you can be sure that the partial path is part of your full path, this is simple string manipulation:

string fullPath = @"C:\User\Documents\Test\Folder2\test.pdf"; string partialPath = @"C:\User\Documents\"; string resultingPath = fullPath.Substring(partialPath.Length); 

This requires some error checking: it will fail if either fullPath or partialPath is null or both paths are the same length.


Hmmmm, but what if the matter is different? Or does one of the paths use short names for its folders? A more complete solution would be ...

 public static string GetRelativePath(string fullPath, string containingFolder, bool mustBeInContainingFolder = false) { var file = new Uri(fullPath); if (containingFolder[containingFolder.Length - 1] != Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) containingFolder += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; var folder = new Uri(containingFolder); // Must end in a slash to indicate folder var relativePath = Uri.UnescapeDataString( folder.MakeRelativeUri(file) .ToString() .Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) ); if (mustBeInContainingFolder && relativePath.IndexOf("..") == 0) return null; return relativePath; } 

To expand Jan's answer, you can create an extension method for the string class (or the Path class if you want), for example:

 namespace ExtensionMethods { public static class MyExtensions { public static string GetPartialPath(this string fullPath, string partialPath) { return fullPath.Substring(partialPath.Length) } } } 

And then use:

 using ExtensionMethods; string resultingPath = string.GetPartialPath(partialPath); 

I have not tested that this extension method works, but should do .



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