Here is one way to use SQLite3 from the command line on Windows.
First you need to know the path to the folder in which you installed SQLite ODBC Driver . If you used the default settings, this would be C: \ Program Files \ SQLite ODBC Driver in Windows XP
Go to Start → Run → type cmd → click OK
This opens a command prompt.
At the command prompt, enter the following command. You can use Alt + Space if you want to use cut and paste. Remember to change the path for your installation if you installed SQLite in a different folder.
cd C: \ Program Files \ SQLite ODBC driver
This will bring you to the SQLite installation folder. Now you can call SQLite. Type the following command at the SQLite prompt.
The File menu opens, in which you can select a database to connect to or create a new database file.
Go to C: \ db \ sqlite and create myDatabase.db and click "Open" to close the file menu.
Now you are ready to work on your new database, run your queries, for example. create a table.
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