If you are using Big Nerd Ranch extensible lists, note that the traditional notifyDataSetChanged()
of RecyclerView.adapter
does not work.
Instead, the extensible RecyclerView provides a set of notifications that can inform the adapter of changes to the ParentListItems list.
// Parent Changes notifyParentItemInserted(int parentPosition) notifyParentItemRemoved(int parentPosition) notifyParentItemChanged(int parentPosition) notifyParentItemRangeInserted(int parentPositionStart, int itemCount) // Child Changes notifyChildItemInserted(int parentPosition, int childPosition) notifyChildItemRemoved(int parentPosition, int childPosition) notifyChildItemChanged(int parentPosition, int childPosition)
For more information, visit https://bignerdranch.imtqy.com/expandable-recycler-view/
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