We have implemented a common mechanism that is registered on server exceptions from the client side of GWT. Naturally, some of them are unexpected exceptions (for example, NPE), and therefore we get the appearance of these stack traces in our log (excerpt):
java.lang.Throwable: One or more exceptions caught, see full set in UmbrellaException # getCauses
at Unknown.Hq (Unknown Source)
at Unknown.ihb (Unknown Source)
at Unknown.anonymous (Unknown Source)
at Unknown.anonymous (Unknown Source)
at Unknown.anonymous (Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.lang.Throwable: (TypeError): d is null
stack: EG ([object Object], [object Object]) @http: //domain/path/0B15791BA99231E6B88EAF3BDE38EB64.cache.html: 3282
fileName: http: //domain/path/0B15791BA99231E6B88EAF3BDE38EB64.cache.html
lineNumber: 3282
at Unknown.EG (Unknown Source)
at Unknown.DG (Unknown Source)
How can I find class number and row in java source source?
I do not want to deploy a detailed compiled version, since I have no information about the exact scenario, and I cannot throw an exception.
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