Qt vs Swing: similarities and differences?

Do they have any common concepts like C ++ and Java? So, does anyone who learns get the basics of others? Like C ++ and Java, there are common concepts for OOP. You study them in Java, you can use them also in C ++ and vice versa. Do, Qt and Swing have this property?

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Since I used both Swing and QT, I think that they have something in common, and getting to know them can help you get to know the other faster. Layouts are a good example. For example, a grid layout is a grid layout, regardless of whether QT or Swing (or any other graphics library) is used. The fundamental difference between the two frameworks is the event-based nature of Swing (basically, implementing listeners for everything and catching the generated events that interest you) compared to the QT and slot and signal mechanisms.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/899485/

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