Proper way to format javascript function

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What is the proper way to format a javascript function?

I see it like this:

function doThis(){ } 

and like this:

 doThis = function(){ } 

Or maybe that doesn't matter. Please let me know what is best, or if they both have different reasons or goals.



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3 answers

These are two different things, although they both create a function (and assign it to a variable).

 function name () { } 

It is a sign of a function (or "function declaration"). Only a top-level element of the script is allowed or directly as a function element: that is, it is not legal to express a function inside an if or while , etc. All functional operators "rise" to the top of the function (or script), so the following is true:

 a() function a () { alert("a") } 

In the shape of:

 variable = function name () {} // or variable = function () {} 

The keyword of the function is in the context of the expression function: it creates a new object-object, and the resulting object-function (simply "normal value") is assigned to variable . The following are not valid because expression functions are not overridden.

 var b b() // oops, does not evaluate to a function-object yet! b = function b () { alert("b") } 

All that is said, the “right way” is to use an expression formula (“function declaration”) if there is no reason for this.

Happy coding.

See also:


There is an important and useful difference between these syntaxes.


In OOP, it is very useful to use encapsulation, which is a mechanism for restricting access to other objects. The difference between public and private vars / functions in javascript can be formulated as follows:

 function Color(value) { // public variable this.value = value; // get from arguments // private variable var _name = "test"; // public function this.getRandomColor = function( ) { return Math.random() * 0xFFFFFF; } // private function function getNiceColor() { return 0xffcc00; } } 

Public Testing

Public variables and functions are available inside the color instance:

 // create instance of Color var color = new Color(0xFF0000); alert( color.value ); // returns red color alert( color.getRandomColor() ); // returns random color 

Testing Private

Private variables and functions cannot be accessed from the color instance:

 var color = new Color(0x0000FF); alert( color.getNiceColor() ); // error in console; property does not exist, because function is private. alert( color._name ); // error in console; property does not exist, because variable is private. 

It is better to use good prototypes when using public functions, because this encoding method can cause inheritance problems.


See the first 10-15 slides from [1], they talk about it




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