Here's how to do it. Demo worker .
First at the top of the HTML document:
.datetime { color: #C11B17; font-family:arial; font-size: 16px; }
We do this to clear our HTML code a bit:
$rdate1 = 1240550032; // Fri, 24 Apr 2009 05:13:52 GMT $expiredate = date('dm YG:i:s', $rdate1); $time = $rdate1 - time(); $days = floor($time/86400); $hours = floor(($time-($days*86400))/3600); $mins = floor(($time-($days*86400)-($hours*3600))/60); $secs = floor($time-($days*86400)-($hours*3600)-($mins*60)); printf(" Your account is going to expire in <span class='datetime' id='days'>%s</span> Days <span class='datetime' id='hours'>%s</span> Hours <span class='datetime' id='minutes'>%s</span> Minutes <span class='datetime' id='seconds'>%s</span> Seconds ", $days, $hours, $mins, $secs);
I'm not quite sure where this middle step came from, but the code above gives me the time difference between $rdate1
(supposedly the unix timestamp) and time()
Finally, we can do something similar with Javascript to update the time after the page loads:
addEvent(window, 'load', function() { var eDays = document.getElementById('days'); var eHours = document.getElementById('hours'); var eMinutes = document.getElementById('minutes'); var eSeconds = document.getElementById('seconds'); var timer; timer = setInterval(function() { var vDays = parseInt(eDays.innerHTML, 10); var vHours = parseInt(eHours.innerHTML, 10); var vMinutes = parseInt(eMinutes.innerHTML, 10); var vSeconds = parseInt(eSeconds.innerHTML, 10); vSeconds--; if(vSeconds < 0) { vSeconds = 59; vMinutes--; if(vMinutes < 0) { vMinutes = 59; vHours--; if(vHours < 0) { vHours = 23; vDays--; } } } else { if(vSeconds == 0 && vMinutes == 0 && vHours == 0 && vDays == 0) { clearInterval(timer); } } eSeconds.innerHTML = vSeconds; eMinutes.innerHTML = vMinutes; eHours.innerHTML = vHours; eDays.innerHTML = vDays; }, 1000); }); function addEvent( obj, type, fn ) { if ( obj.attachEvent ) { obj['e'+type+fn] = fn; obj[type+fn] = function(){obj['e'+type+fn]( window.event );} obj.attachEvent( 'on'+type, obj[type+fn] ); } else obj.addEventListener( type, fn, false ); }
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