This cannot be done programmatically. And "registerForRemoteNotificationTypes" is for push notifications, not local ones.
The only thing I could do was to include in the description of my application in the application store an explanation of how to set up the Notification Center. I also posted this in my demo video.
You might also consider entering a prompt the first time you launch the application, explaining the “correct” notification settings for your application. Do not show it on subsequent launches, but provide it in the Help section.
Of course, “what's right” is what the user wants, but for my application, users NEVER need the default settings, which are “banners”. The best user interface for my application is just sounds. The biggest complaint about my application in front of the Notification Center is the pop-ups from local notifications. Now, with the Notification Center, users can turn off everything except "sounds." This is the setting they all want. Why can't I, as a developer, just give them to them by default? If they want to change it to something else, that's great, but I have to control the default settings. But I ranted.
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