Data Warehouse and Database Difference in Implementation

Can someone tell me the difference between a simple database and a data warehouse in terms of implementation?

I know that the data warehouse is used for analysis, not storage, but I don’t understand how they differ structurally

A simple database has tables, etc. in the data warehouse. How can we make a data warehouse from a simple database

In both cases, we have requests, since they are different for each of them?

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Differences in implementation, that is, the presentation (structure) of data in tables.

A simple database is usually structured in normalized tables to minimize redundancy and optimize write operations to the table. This can be achieved by dividing large tables into smaller and less redundant tables, so that data of the same type is isolated in one place, so that adding, deleting and modifying a field can be done in only one table. Smaller tables are then joined to each other through certain relationships between them (this is done using foreign keys), which leads to many connections between tables when retrieving data.

On the other hand, the data warehouse is structured only for read operations, so the datawarehouse accepts some level of redundancy in the data as it speeds up reading. Datawarehouse data is usually structured in the so-called Starschema approach through the use of dimensional modeling. This means that you have 1 large table (Facttable) with all the relevant records and measures (total sales fx in $), and then many small tables (called dimension tables) that describe the values ​​in the fact table. Dimensiontables can be something like Date, SalesCountry, SalesPerson, Product, etc., which describe the sales volume from the fact table. Dimension tables are then linked to facts with foreign keys, thereby creating a star-shaped figure with facts in the middle and all dimension tables around it in a circle that communicates with it.

NB: This is a very simple introduction, and you should, of course, refer to some datawarehouse data material to read more detailed information. Look for books by Ralph Kimball and Bill Inmon, they are gurus in the datawarehouse field.


Assuming you already know something about OLTP databases, there are several downloadable titles for data warehousing in IBM Redbooks worth paying attention to.


In essence, a way to organize data and tables - and much more ...


  • Bill Inmon "Creating a Data Warehouse"
  • Ralph Kimball "Data Warehouse Toolkit"

OLTP means processing online transactions. The systems that are used in any reservation system or in the technical terms "OLTP" belong to the class of systems that facilitate and manage transaction-oriented applications, usually for data processing and transaction search "

Now the following questions will appear, what is the difference between OLTP and data storage?

There are many differences between them, so we will list some important differences:

  • The most important difference from everyone: OLTP is usually located in 3NF (3rd normalized form), while the data store is not in 3NF. Therefore, we can also conclude that OLTP will not have any data redundancy.

  • A data warehouse is used to store months and years of data to support historical analysis, while an OLTP system stores data for several weeks or months. Therefore, database sizes also have a huge difference. OLTP uses 100MB - 100GB, where the data store uses 100GB - a few terabytes.

  • The highly normalized OLTP structure helps optimize operations such as UPDATE / INSERT / DELETE, where the Data Warehouse has a very deformed structure (Star Schema) to optimize query performance.

  • Data in the data warehouse is regularly launched by the ETL process, and the end user does not update the data warehouse directly, whereas in OLTP systems, end users usually issue separate statements about data modification to the database and, thus, the OLTP system to date.

These are some important differences between OLTP and data storage.

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