What files should I check for an SSIS project?

In my SSIS project folder, I have additional files in addition to the three packaged (.dtsx) files that I created. There is a ProjectName.database file, a ProjectName.dtproj file, and a ProjectName.dtproj.user file.

When I create a project, the dtsx files are copied to a folder called "bin" inside the project folder.

When I create the deployment manifest, the three package files are copied to a folder called "bin / Deployment" along with the new ProjectName.SSISDeploymentManifest file.

Which of these files should I check in the source control?

I think that only three package files and a deployment manifest are useful to me.

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1 answer

Do you want to save:

  • *. dtsx - your packages
  • *. dtproj file - project files
  • .sln file - solution file - if you have only one project, you may not have this. Database
  • * - take a look at the quote below
  • deployment manifest file - allows you to deploy your packages to the target location using the wizard

MSDN indicates the following:

The * .database file contains the information that Business Intelligence Development Studio requires to open an Integration Services project.

*. The dtproj.user and .sln.suo files are not needed because they (from one link): contain information about your preferences for working with the project.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/899238/

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