You can achieve this using SpannableString
and MetricAffectingSpan
. You can change the font, size and style of the tooltip.
1) Create a custom Hint
import; import android.text.SpannableString; import android.text.Spanned; import; public class CustomHint extends SpannableString { public CustomHint(final CharSequence source, final int style) { this(null, source, style, null); } public CustomHint(final CharSequence source, final Float size) { this(null, source, size); } public CustomHint(final CharSequence source, final int style, final Float size) { this(null, source, style, size); } public CustomHint(final Typeface typeface, final CharSequence source, final int style) { this(typeface, source, style, null); } public CustomHint(final Typeface typeface, final CharSequence source, final Float size) { this(typeface, source, null, size); } public CustomHint(final Typeface typeface, final CharSequence source, final Integer style, final Float size) { super(source); MetricAffectingSpan typefaceSpan = new CustomMetricAffectingSpan(typeface, style, size); setSpan(typefaceSpan, 0, source.length(), Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); } }
2) Create your own MetricAffectingSpan
import; import android.text.TextPaint; import; public class CustomMetricAffectingSpan extends MetricAffectingSpan { private final Typeface _typeface; private final Float _newSize; private final Integer _newStyle; public CustomMetricAffectingSpan(Float size) { this(null, null, size); } public CustomMetricAffectingSpan(Float size, Integer style) { this(null, style, size); } public CustomMetricAffectingSpan(Typeface type, Integer style, Float size) { this._typeface = type; this._newStyle = style; this._newSize = size; } @Override public void updateDrawState(TextPaint ds) { applyNewSize(ds); } @Override public void updateMeasureState(TextPaint paint) { applyNewSize(paint); } private void applyNewSize(TextPaint paint) { if (this._newStyle != null) paint.setTypeface(Typeface.create(this._typeface, this._newStyle)); else paint.setTypeface(this._typeface); if (this._newSize != null) paint.setTextSize(this._newSize); } }
3) Use:
Typeface newTypeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "AguafinaScript-Regular.ttf"); CustomHint customHint = new CustomHint(newTypeface, "Enter some text", Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC, 60f); // CustomHint customHint = new CustomHint(newTypeface, "Enter some text", Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC); // CustomHint customHint = new CustomHint(newTypeface, "Enter some text", 60f); // CustomHint customHint = new CustomHint("Enter some text", Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC, 60f); // CustomHint customHint = new CustomHint("Enter some text", Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC); // CustomHint customHint = new CustomHint("Enter some text", 60f); customEditText.setHint(customHint);