FTP over ssh tunnel

I have a machine with an ftp server, and I would like to access it from a computer located on a different network behind a router that only allows port 80.

I thought of the ssh tunnel as:

ssh -L local_port:${ftphost}:20 user@ {sshhost} 

Where $ {sshhost} is another machine that has access to the $ {ftphost} ftp server.

$ {sshhost} is available for my host, and $ {ftphost} is available only from $ {sshhost}, not mine.

Would this be the best solution?

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1 answer

O'Reilly's book “SSH, Secure Shell: The Ultimate Guide” contains an entire chapter on FTP Forwarding . I think this should answer all your questions.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/899205/

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