I am developing a Vaadin application and have extreme difficulty getting some aspects of the layout as I want. The main problem right now is that I canβt get a vertical scroll in my layout no matter how big the content is or how small the browser window is.
I read this thread, I know that hLayout and vLayout do not support scrollbars, but the panel does. I tried in different combinations to make it work, but I managed to get a horizontal scrollbar to generate, but never vertical.
Another problem is that I create the application inside the existing "template" provided by the company. This template contains a footer containing some copyright information. This footer does not seem to take any place in the browser window with regard to the content that I am adding, which causes when viewing on smaller screens the horizontal scroll bar that appears βbelowβ the footer is not available ... Iβll provide some code of what it looks like now.
public class InventorySimCardTable extends M2MViewBase { //M2MViewBase extends VerticalLayout private final SPanel mainContent = Cf.panel(""); private final SPanel tabPanel = Cf.panel(""); private final SVerticalLayout tabcontent = Cf.vLayout(); protected InventoryFilterPanel inventoryFilterPanel; @Override protected void initComponent() { setSizeFull(); tabPanel.setSizeFull(); tabPanel.getContent().setSizeUndefined(); Table simCardTable = new Table(); simCardTable.setWidth("1898px"); simCardTable.setPageLength(15); tableContainer.setSizeUndefined(); tableContainer.addComponent(simCardTable); mainContent.setWidth("99%"); mainContent.setHeight("100%"); mainContent.setContent(tableContainer); mainContent.setScrollable(true); centeringlayout.setSizeFull(); centeringlayout.addComponent(mainContent); centeringlayout.setComponentAlignment(mainContent, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); tabPanel.addComponent(centeringlayout); addComponent(tabPanel); } }
I would really like to know if anyone sees obvious errors in my code. And if anyone knows what property I can set on the CSS footer so that it takes up space in the content view so that horizontal scrolling does not appear below it. Thanks!
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