How to debug a remote python application using (Python Tools for) Visual Studio?

According to , PTVS supports Local and Remote Debugging. However, I could not find anything related to him or.

So I'm curious if their โ€œremote debuggingโ€ is simply tied to a running process on the same computer, or if there is some actual remote debugging support over TCP / IP. I would like to use PTVS for WSGI-based web applications running on apache on another (linux) machine, but without a proper remote debugger (such as WinPDB, which is not so bad, but the dampness integrated into the IDE would be better) this is not very useful ...

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3 answers

Remote debugging for platforms other than Windows was not available until version 2.0 alpha, but now it is possible - see the documentation or video tutorial .


There are several different ways to break into remote debugging. The main scenario is probably our debugging MPI cluster. There you can create a new MPI project, configure it to run in an HP HPC cluster, and we will analyze everything you need in the cluster and set up a remote debugging session.

The "deploy everything you need" part, although it can be done on its own for normal remote debugging scripts. This is more or less standard remote VS debugging with the addition of PTVS. The main steps for this: 1) Install the Visual Studio remote debugger components on the remote machine 2) Install PTVS on the remote computer 3) Run the VS remote debugger (msvsmon)

Then you can do Debug-> Attach to Process, select a machine and start debugging.


Yes, for remote debugging you will need VS + PTVS currently installed on the remote computer, which means only windows. If you want this feature to be implemented, vote for this ticket here (which also has a few details about the situation):



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