I'm thinking of writing a program to test claims for mileage (about 45,000 of them actually) made recently by members of the British Parliament.
The data that I have, of course - the beginning and destination of trips are usually provided only at the city level. What I want to do is basically look at the mileage figures they submitted, look at the "calculated" mileage received from the web service, and then compare / compare. (I think that you might be interested in cases where the claimed mileage exceeds 40 miles and the claimed mileage exceeds the website rate, for example, at least 1.4).
The code is wise, I'm fine, but I don't have a web service that I can use to get distances. Google Directions is out of the question (should be used with Google Maps) - and I see this as a console application in C #.
Can anyone offer any suitable service?
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