ExtJS 4 - How to mark a form field invalid and display red borders around it (as is done by default ExtJS), if the user check failed?

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I have a form in which some fields need to be checked on the server side.

When the form is submitted, the server checks the values โ€‹โ€‹of these fields, and if the checks are not performed, the server returns success: false (along with the name and error message of each field in which the check failed).

Now I need to display such fields as "invalid" and apply to them the same red border that ExtJS performed by default if the client-side check failed.

I tried using the following:

Ext.getCmp ('fieldId'). markInvalid () and invalidCls: 'x-form-invalid-field'

I used the above statements in the "failure" form callback function. These statuses are called, but do not affect such fields.

Thus, one could conduct the following:

How to mark invaild field and apply the same effect (with red borders) to it in case of unsuccessful user check?

Thanks in advance.

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5 answers

I was able to find a solution for this.

If the server-side check fails, then you need to return the server:

success:false, errors:{ field1:errorMsg1, field2:errorMsg2 } 

This itself marks the fields as invalid and applies a red border to the fields if there is an error.

Hope this helps someone find something similar.


Receive error message from server


Instead of the markInvalid function, use setActiveError if you want to change the error message as well.


Try this, this is about checking the server, you can use json or xml http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-4.1.0-gpl/examples/form/xml-form.html


Ext.getCmp ('# fieldId') IsValid () ;.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/899025/

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