Grails does not save my database data

I am building a small Grails application, and I am trying to keep the data between server restarts in the development environment.

I changed the corresponding part of DataSource.groovy to the following:

development { dataSource { dbCreate = "update" // one of 'create', 'create-drop','update' url = "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:devDB" } } 

Every time I restart the server, all data disappears. Am I missing another configuration?

I tried this with and without samples in BootStrap.groovy (if that matters).

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3 answers

... try removing the "mem" part of your url: jdbc: hsqldb: devDB line. Now you run db in memory mode, therefore, losing data. Running db in native mode should do what you need.


You use the database in memory, so there is no way to survive the data on a server reboot. Switch to a persistent database (MySQL, Postgres, etc.), then set dbCreate = 'validate'

For example, if you chose MySQL as the database, you would need to change the settings in DataSource.groovy to:

 development { dataSource { dbCreate = "validate" // Put the MySQL JDBC JAR on the classpath of your Grails app driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" // Change these property values as needed url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/yourDB" username = "yourUser" password = "yourPassword" } } 

Your url is configured to use the database in memory. This is what β€œmem” means in your url string.

It gets easier for me, especially with a small project, using BootStrap.groovy in the combination w / dbCreate = "create-drop".

You can change your url to point to a file or relational database, though if you want to save w / out using BootStrap.groovy. I am using grails 2.0 w / an in db memory.

url = "jdbc: h2: db / devDb; auto_server = true"

Here is an example using mySql (if you have a jdbc driver for mysql):

url = "jdbc: mysql: // localhost: 8080 / foo? autoreconnect = true"

W / file example:

url = "jdbc: hsqldb: file: prodDb; shutdown = true"

Hope this helps.



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