Your url is configured to use the database in memory. This is what βmemβ means in your url string.
It gets easier for me, especially with a small project, using BootStrap.groovy in the combination w / dbCreate = "create-drop".
You can change your url to point to a file or relational database, though if you want to save w / out using BootStrap.groovy. I am using grails 2.0 w / an in db memory.
url = "jdbc: h2: db / devDb; auto_server = true"
Here is an example using mySql (if you have a jdbc driver for mysql):
url = "jdbc: mysql: // localhost: 8080 / foo? autoreconnect = true"
W / file example:
url = "jdbc: hsqldb: file: prodDb; shutdown = true"
Hope this helps.
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