Here is a general solution, in code:
Clear[reconstructInterpolatingFunction]; reconstructInterpolatingFunction[intf_InterpolatingFunction] := With[{data = intf[[4, 3]], step = Subtract @@ Reverse[ Take[intf[[4, 2]], 2]], order = Developer` FromPackedArray@ InterpolatingFunctionInterpolationOrder[intf], grid = InterpolatingFunctionGrid[intf] }, Interpolation[ MapThread[Prepend, {Partition[data, step], grid}], InterpolationOrder -> order ] ];
See below for more details. However, note that the above code uses some details of the InterpolatingFunction
object that may be version specific, since the DifferentialEquations`InterpolatingFunctionAnatomy`
API does not seem to allow full restoration of the original object when values ββfor derived functions are important.
End edit
It looks like NDSolve
contains derivative information when building an InterpolatingFunction
, which makes sense. In your case, this will be the first derivative, since your equation is first order. But this information is lost when we use the functions from the DifferentialEquations` InterpolatingFunctionAnatomy`
package. The way to get this is to access the original InterpolatingFunction
object directly. Here is a simple example:
In[156]:= ifun=First[x/.NDSolve[{x'[t]==2x[t],x[0]==1},x,{t,0,0.1}]]; In[157]:= ifun[[4,3]] Out[157]= {1.,2.,1.00002,2.00004,1.00004,2.00008,1.00457,2.00913,1.00911,2.01823, 1.01368,2.02736,1.02787,2.05573,1.04225,2.0845,1.05684,2.11368,1.07163,2.14326, 1.09328,2.18655,1.11536,2.23073,1.13789,2.27579,1.16088,2.32176,1.18433,2.36867, 1.20272,2.40545,1.2214,2.44281}
This suggests that each value is followed by the value of the derivative at this grid point. So the way to create a new object is something like this:
ifun5 = Interpolation[ MapThread[Prepend, {Partition[ifun[[4, 3]], 2], InterpolatingFunctionGrid[ifun]}], InterpolationOrder -> (interpolationOrder)]
It uses an extended form of Interpolation
, where you can also specify values ββfor derivatives. This passes our test:
In[161]:= Table[(1-ifun5[x]/ifun[x]),{x,0,0.1,.01}] Out[161]= {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.}
The way to determine to which derivative we have information in this InterpolatingFunction
is to look at this part:
In[176]:= ifun[[4,2]] Out[176]= {0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34}
In this case, the step is 2, so we have the value plus the first derivative. For, say, a second-order equation, the step will be 3, and you will need Partition[...,3]
. So, you determine the order by going through the step in this part.
Now, the real thing:
In[162]:= ifun=First[x/.NDSolve[{x'[t]==Exp[x[t]]-x[t],x[0]==1},x,{t,0,10}]]; interpolationOrder=Developer` FromPackedArray@InterpolatingFunctionInterpolationOrder [ifun]; ifunnew = Interpolation[MapThread[Prepend, {Partition[ifun[[4,3]],2],InterpolatingFunctionGrid[ifun]}], InterpolationOrder->(interpolationOrder)]; Table[(1-ifunnew[x]/ifun[x]),{x,0,0.5,.1}] During evaluation of In[162]:= NDSolve::ndsz: At t == 0.5160191740198969`, step size is effectively zero; singularity or stiff system suspected. >> Out[165]= {0.,0.,0.,1.11022*10^-16,0.,0.}