Differences between OCaml 2 and 3

I am interested in learning this language, but it seems that there are very few textbooks and books on this subject.

I found only one suitable book on this topic (Application Development with Objective Caml) that would be absolutely perfect, but the problem is that it is based on version 2.04.

Therefore, my only problem is that there would be no serious problems using this book for OCaml 3.x. Or, if there are any good OCaml tutorials online, please let me know.


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3 answers

There is a change log here . A lot of changes have been made, but basically it's the addition of new functions or new standard library functions, and almost no changes. Thus, you can use the book and try everything on the 3.x compiler.

You can also try this online tutorial .


You can definitely learn this book. Although many new things have appeared in ocaml 3.x, I don’t think you will encounter them as a newbie.

Get used to language concepts. You can check out new features later.

See http://caml.inria.fr/ocaml/release.en.html for more details.


Just for reference, there are tons of books for OCaml:


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/898879/

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