What is the difference between Solr 1.4 and Solr 3.4

basically recommended download apache-solr 1.4.1 from http://mirror.lividpenguin.com/pub/apache//lucene/solr/

can you tell the difference between solr-1.4.1 and 3.4.0? which one should i use?

EDIT: Thanks for the help, Rice, Jayendra. I can’t mark as an answer, because everything is correct. I hope that I can mark all the answers correctly ...... :) Thanks again

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3 answers

If you do not know what you need to go with 1.4.1, select 3.4.

Acquiring what aix said, looking at the change log, highlights 3.4 for 1.4.1 for me (from the Solr homepage ):

  • Solr 3.4
    • The facsimization option after the group (group.truncate) can now calculate the number of facets only for documents of the highest rank for each group. (GUMZ-2665).
  • Solr 3.3
    • Group / merge fields
  • Solr 3.1
    • Boundaries of a numerical range (similar to a facet of a date).
    • New spatial search, including spatial filtering, enhancement and sorting options.
    • Advanced query analyzer (edismax) with support for field queries, enhanced relevance and full lucene syntax support.
    • Distributed search support for spell checking components and terms.
    • Sort results by any function request.
    • Indexing JSON documents.

And of course, bug fixes all around and the new Lucene. And, if you are doing faceting , then Solr 3.4 is highly recommended - look in "Solr3" to see all facet functions not available in Solr 1.4. The torch date / range far exceeds 3.4.


You can learn about the differences for yourself by studying changelog .

As for which version to use, in the absence of reasons, on the contrary, it makes sense to switch to a later version.


Would recommend 3.4 as its stable latest version.

The Solr 3.X version is a big improvement in version 1.4.

It includes -

  • New search features such as query support, functional queries, analysis, input and output.
  • Performance enhancements such as segment segment management and distributed support for spell checking.
  • New search application development options, such as the best facet, grouping, advisor and the new search user interface with speed support, as well as spatial search and use of Apache UIMA.
  • and much more.

You can find detailed information in the change log.

A good article explains this in detail.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/898845/

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