I came across the provision of common complex operations for all classes that implement an interface that explicitly use interface operations.
Until Java 8 comes out ...
See http://datumedge.blogspot.hu/2012/06/java-8-lambdas.html (Default Methods)
Workaround for this:
public interface I { public Class U{ public static void complexFunction(I i, String s){ if(); ig(s) } } }
Then you can easily call the general functionality (after importing the IU)
U.complexFunction(i,"my params...");
It can be further refined, with more typical coding:
public interface I { public Class U{ I me; U(I me){ this.me = me; } public void complexFunction(String s){ me.f(); me.g(s) } } U getUtilities(); } class implementationOfI implements I{ U u=new U(this); U getUtilities(){ return u; } }
I i = new implementationOfI(); i.getUtilities().complexFunction(s);
Further sharp tricks
- provides U as an abstract, enabling local implementation of certain functions for U ...
- overriding U with a local class and local constructor using I.this instead of forcing the parameter to pass ...
- using static U ... however then every operation should get i i as a parameter ...
- using enum instead of a class for static functions that do not require additional objects (equivalent to the first method)
The reason for this is to put operations in a single module instead of having utility modules hanging around, which extends the worst duplicated implementation.
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