I want to create the following indexed view:
CREATE VIEW [Cic].[vwMarker] WITH SCHEMABINDING AS Select SubId, marker.EquipmentID, marker.ReadTime, marker.CdsLotOpside, marker.CdsLotBackside, marker.CdteLotOpside, marker.CdTeLotBackside From dbo.Marker Where dbo.Marker.ReadTime >= Convert(dateTime,'10/5/2011',120) GO CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_vwMarker_ReadTime_EquipmentID ON Cic.vwMarker (ReadTime, EquipmentID);
It works great. However, what I really would like to do is to include only rows in this view that are two days or newer from the current date / time when the request is requested. I cannot find a way to do this because I cannot use GetDate () in the Where predicate because it is not deterministic. In other words, I would like to do something similar, but I cannot:
Where dbo.Marker.ReadTime >= Convert(dateTime,DateAdd(dd,-2,GetDate()) ,120)
Is there any way around this?
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