According to this answer, Chipmunk does not support continuous collision detection, but Box2D does. This is important to prevent "tunneling" (objects passing a little through each other when driving at high speeds)
This is explained by Steffen Itterheim's text about his Box2D vs Chipmunk FAQ : if you have very fast moving physics objects like Bullets, consider using Box2D, as it can make crowded collisions, as well as continuous collision integration to prevent fast moving objects from deep penetration or even tunneling through other objects.
Collision detection with cumps docs talk about separate()
callback. The two forms have just stopped touching for the first time this step. but it was not clear to me if this had any significance for their ability to detect collisions with speed.
There is also a very negative opinion about using Box2D for a breakthrough game. My current game uses Box2D, and I would like to use Chipmunk with it ... Mostly because Box2D has two serious problems that are exacerbated in my game: firstly, it has a REALLY old error, where objects “caught” in the corners, my game is a breakthrough game, so when the ball “rolls” along the wall, sometimes it breaks and is thrown off the wall, many people ask why my game physics looks “random”.
Conclusion: I am also embarrassed.
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