JavaScript this.checked

In JavaScript, if we write the following, for example:

var c = this.checked; 

What is checked here? Is this just a state that tells us if the checkbox is checked or not? So, can we use it to verify that the checkbox is also not checked?

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Is it just a state that tells us if the checkbox is checked or not? So, can we use it to verify that the checkbox is also not checked?

Yes and yes


To use the :checked pseudo- :checked with a jquery this object, write:


Assuming this refers to a DOM element that has a checked property (for example, a check box or radio button), then the checked property will be either true if the element is checked, or false if not. For example, given this HTML:

 <input type="checkbox" id="example"> 

The following JS line will return false :

 var c = document.getElementById("example").checked; //False 

Note that you wrote standard JavaScript, not jQuery. If this refers to a jQuery object and not a DOM element, checked will be undefined because the jQuery object does not have the checked property. If this is a jQuery object, you can use .prop :

 var c = this.prop("checked"); 

In jQuery validation, a selector is selected:

The: checked selector works for checkboxes and radio buttons.

There are several ways to check if the checkbox is checked:


 $('#checkBox').attr('checked'); or $('#checkBox').is(':checked'); 


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