Time difference in solving arrays in Java

So, I have a random question when coding an image processing function, which is related to time complexity. Below is my original code snippet:

long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < newWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < newHeight; j++) { double x = i * scaleX; double y = j * scaleY; double xdiff = x - (int) x; double ydiff = y - (int) y; int xf = (int) Math.floor(x); int xc = (int) Math.ceil(x); int yf = (int) Math.floor(y); int yc = (int) Math.ceil(y); double out = inputArray[xf][yf] * (1 - xdiff) * (1 - ydiff) + inputArray[xc][yf] * xdiff * (1 - ydiff) + inputArray[xf][yc] * (1 - xdiff) * ydiff + inputArray[xc][yc] * xdiff * ydiff; outputArray[i][j] = (int) out; } } long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; System.out.println("Time used: " + elapsed); 

And after exiting with this code, I was wondering if it would be faster not to create 4 temporary variables for the floor and ceiling values, but instead to calculate them directly in the indexing of the array. So I changed it as follows:

  long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < newWidth; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < newHeight; j++) { double x = i * scaleX; double y = j * scaleY; double xdiff = x - (int) x; double ydiff = y - (int) y; double out = inputArray[(int) Math.floor(x)][(int) Math.floor(y)] * (1 - xdiff) * (1 - ydiff) + inputArray[(int) Math.ceil(x)][(int) Math.floor(y)] * xdiff * (1 - ydiff) + inputArray[(int) Math.floor(x)][(int) Math.ceil(y)] * (1 - xdiff) * ydiff + inputArray[(int) Math.ceil(x)][(int) Math.ceil(y)] * xdiff * ydiff; outputArray[i][j] = (int) out; } } long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; System.out.println("Time used: " + elapsed); 

I expected that later it would be faster (because you do not need to write to a temporary variable and then access it), but it turned out that the later version is at least 2.5 times slower than the previous code. The test case used is a 3x magnification of 1024x768 img.

old code: used time: 812 later code: used time: 2140

So what is the reason for the time difference?

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7 answers

Q: How many times do you call "gender" and "replenishment" in the first case? The second case ?;)

Q: I am wondering if this will work faster than the first case:

  long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < newWidth; i++) { double x = i * scaleX; double xdiff = x - (int) x; int xf = (int) Math.floor(x); int xc = (int) Math.ceil(x); for (int j = 0; j < newHeight; j++) { double y = j * scaleY; double ydiff = y - (int) y; int yf = (int) Math.floor(y); int yc = (int) Math.ceil(y); double out = inputArray[xf][yf] * (1 - xdiff) * (1 - ydiff) + inputArray[xc][yf] * xdiff * (1 - ydiff) + inputArray[xf][yc] * (1 - xdiff) * ydiff + inputArray[xc][yc] * xdiff * ydiff; outputArray[i][j] = (int) out; } } long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; System.out.println("Time used: " + elapsed); 

You have 8 calculations of Math.floor () / Math.ceil () in later code instead of 4. This is a problem.

The calculation is much slower than allocating space for a local variable.


floor and ceil have performance.

The second case causes them twice more often.


In the second, you repeat the calculations. By capturing this in a variable in the first example, you will avoid repeating the calculations.


Later, it will probably be slower because it does more work. Setting a time variable is trivial, but calculating floors and ceilings can be unexpectedly expensive.

BTW: When x is positive, (int) Math.floor(x) matches (int) x , so you don't need to calculate it twice.

In addition, you can assume that xc = xf + 1 in this situation and similarly for y


Small operations of saving and searching for a local variable are pale compared to Math.floor and Math.ceil. In addition, you involve int more often in the second fragment.


You can simply convert double to int instead of using Math.floor (). It will be faster.


 inputArray[(int) Math.floor(x)] 


 inputArray[(int) x] 

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/898625/

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