I have a simple Vaadin web application, and I am looking for a simple graphical API that will only process a minimum amount of data (no more than a few hundred data points) and allow me to display simple 2d graphics in a Vaadin panel object.
I need it to be a Java API, not an external service like Google diagrams, for security reasons.
Does anyone have any good recommendations?
EDIT: I select "Invient Charts" (Waadin Add-on Wrapper for HighCharts) because I already have a HighCharts license. If I didn’t have a license, I would probably go with a simple GWT-based API like gchart
EDIT 3/29/2012: Pulled out the production assembly of the Vaadin application using Invient Charts. Very pleased with the end results. You can manage almost every aspect of High Charts features with pure Java code. A couple of things are a bit “hacky”, like formatting, how dots are displayed, and mouse over the data frame, where you need to pass anonymous javascript functions as strings. Initial setup is also a bit risky; I had to redefine my ApplicationServlet to ensure that the javascript libraries were imported correctly, and getting them in the right place in your project structure is not fully documented. Overall, although it was relatively painless, the graphs integrated into my Vaadin app. Highly recommend.
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