Updaing \ save with EF violates Uniquness DB restriction

I use EF to update an object.

Here is my code:

public MamConfiguration_V1 Save(MamConfiguration_V1 item) { item.ThrowIfNull("item"); mMaMDBEntities.MamConfiguration_V1.AddObject(item); mMaMDBEntities.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(item, System.Data.EntityState.Modified); mMaMDBEntities.SaveChanges(); return item; } 

However, this way I get por erorr violation in the database.

I prefer to use this method (creating a new EF object) and marking it as

changed, how can I not break the uniquness restriction?

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1 answer

If you use this method to update an existing item, you get an exception due to


lines. It seems like using this code you are trying to put an element in your table for the second time. If I guessed correctly, and you use this method to update existing elements, you just need to delete this line - EF will automatically update the database in accordance with the changes you made to the fields of your object.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/898560/

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