I am trying to call a C DLL from C #, but I have no joy. The documentation for the DLL provides an example function defragmentation for VB, which looks like this:
Declare Function TransGeogPt Lib "c:\DLLS\GDAit.dll" (ByVal sGridFile As String, ByVal lDirection As Long, ByVal dLat As Double, ByVal dLong As Double, pdLatNew As Double, pdLongNew As Double, pdLatAcc As Double, pdLongAcc As Double) As Long Declare Function TransProjPt Lib "c:\DLLS\GDAit.dll" (ByVal sGridFile As String, ByVal lDirection As Long, ByVal dLat As Double, ByVal dLong As Double, ByVal lZone As Long, pdLatNew As Double, pdLongNew As Double, pdLatAcc As Double, pdLongAcc As Double) As Long
So I did the following:
public class GDAIt { public static string gridFileName = @"C:\Nat84.gsb"; [DllImport(@"c:\GDAit.dll")] public static extern long TransGeogPt(string sGridFile, long lDirection, double dLat, double dLong, ref double pdLatNew, ref double pdLongNew, ref double pdLatAcc, ref double pdLongAcc); [DllImport(@"c:\GDAit.dll")] public static extern long TransProjPt(string sGridFile, long lDirection, double dLat, double dLong, long lZone, ref double pdLatNew, ref double pdLongNew, ref double pdLatAcc, ref double pdLongAcc); public static long CallTransGeogPt(string sGridFile, long lDirection, double dLat, double dLong, ref double pdLatNew, ref double pdLongNew, ref double pdLatAcc, ref double pdLongAcc) { return TransGeogPt(sGridFile, lDirection, dLat, dLong, ref pdLatNew, ref pdLongNew, ref pdLatAcc, ref pdLongAcc); } public static long CallTransProjPt(string sGridFile, long lDirection, double dLat, double dLong, long lZone, ref double pdLatNew, ref double pdLongNew, ref double pdLatAcc, ref double pdLongAcc) { return TransProjPt(sGridFile, lDirection, dLat, dLong, lZone, ref pdLatNew, ref pdLongNew, ref pdLatAcc, ref pdLongAcc); } public static void Process() { double latitude = 0.0; double longitude = 0.0; double latAcc = 0.0; double longAcc = 0.0; long result = 0; result = CallTransProjPt(gridFileName, 1, 394980, 7619799, 51, ref latitude, ref longitude, ref latAcc, ref longAcc); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Result was {0}, Lat: {1}, Long: {2}", result, latitude, longitude)); int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Last error recieved was {0}", error)); } }
I still have no luck and have tried other settings in the status of DLLImport, such as; SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)
Exit code:
Result was 4690529317195612196, Lat: 0, Long: 0 Last error recieved was 6
If I am right when looking at Win32 error information, I think this applies; ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE The handle is invalid.
6 (0x6)
My guess: is there a problem with passing the file name as a string or the way I pass duplicates by reference? However, I really don’t know, and I don’t understand how to investigate this issue further.
Any ideas are greatly appreciated.